A dive into the green: the Sammommé loop.

In this loop-shaped tour, we will set off from Sammommè in the direction of some places in Mountains around Pistoia, surrounded by chestnut and beech forests.
The itinerary kicks off from the main square of Sammommè with the climb to Pian di Giuliano, where we find the first fountain to fill our water bottles, before continuing on the paved climb.
At a certain point we turn left and begin a dirt climb that will take us to the Incisa pass, immersed in the forest, of first chestnut and then beech trees. We then enter a single track with a couple of challenging technical passages, which will take us to the Piastreta pass.
We continue downhill in a north-westerly direction, following the GEA (Grande Escursione Appenninica – Great Appennine Excursion) trail through the beech forest until we return to the paved road coming from Pracchia. From here we continue on a dirt/paved road for about 40 minutes until we reach the area above Lagoni and Sammommè immersed in the state-owned beech forest.
Once we arrive at the highest point we will find the entrance to the sigle track called "Il Boia" (The Hangman) which will take us back to the Piastreta pass, and then to the Lagoni with the characteristic lake. Here we resume the uphill road that will take us back up to the locality of Collina from which we can take the single track called "La Conca" (The Basin). The trail will descend to the locality of Valdi, and then return to Sammommè.
Curated by AVDO (Alto Valle dell’Ombrone) Trail Area - Pistoia