From Bibbiena to the Sanctuary of La Verna by bike

The itinerary starts from the railway station of Bibbiena, a handy starting point for those wishing to reach the locality by train plus bike. We immediately reach the historic town center of Bibbiena, for a short visit and an energizing breakfast.
After about ten kilometers on gently-sloping land we go beyond the Corsalone stream, at 400 meters above sea level, and we begin the actual climb that will lead us to the 1120 meters of the Sanctuary of La Verna. For about ten kilometers the gradient will be constant, around 6%, followed by a short descent as far as Chiusi della Verna to then tackle the last uphill stretch of three kilometers that leads us to the Sanctuary, where we can relax visiting the wonders of the place and refresh ourselves to recover the consumed energy. The hard part is over.
We can now enjoy the twenty kilometers of descent to the Arno valley floor, perhaps breaking it up with a stop in Chitignano to visit the interesting Ecomuseo della Polvere da Sparo e del Contrabbando, where the unique economic activity of producing gunpowder, which began in the early 1800s and developed in various factories in this territory, is exhibited and documented. Together with this (legally recognized) activity, the practice of smuggling, of both gunpowder and tobacco, was also being defined.
Finally, we set off again for the last downhill stretch; once we reach the state road at the bottom of the valley we take a right-hand turn, paying close attention to these last five fairly busy kilometers, until we return to Bibbiena, our starting point.