From Pistoia, a scenic loop overlooking the city

The itinerary starts from Piazza Oplà, near the center of Pistoia, with an ascent to the small village of Germinaia, then on to Iano, enjoying beautiful views of the city.
Just before the village of Iano, a dirt climb called "Cavone" begins, until we re-enter Via Bolognese, above the locality of Il Signorino. The route continues toward Collina and Poggio dei Lagoni where, after a long and scenic climb of about 2 hours, you take the first single track called "Il Boia" (The Hangman), to the locality i Piloni.
You then take another single track called "I Fiaschi" (The Flasks) that reaches the village of Sammommè. It climbs via the scenic paved road and, just before rejoining State Road 64, begins a new single track called "La Matta" (The Crazy One) to Castagno, an open-air museum village. Passing through the Castagno train station, you next take the path, again on single track, called "Il Merlo" (The Blackbird) to the hamlet of Il Casale.
You then climb back up to Il Signorino and, following a small stretch of via Bolognese, you again enter a downhill wooded single track. From here you once again take a single track called "Malacosta," which accompanies us downhill to the locality of Villa di Sotto, and then descends to Valdibrana and back to Pistoia, our starting point.
Itinerary by AVDO (Alta Valle dell’Ombrone) Trail Area - Pistoia