Permanent patent Granfondo del Mugello

The route can be covered at any time of the year, taking into account, however, that reaching peaks of more than 1,000 m, unfavorable weather and road conditions may be encountered in the fall and winter period. All along the route there are catering and accommodation facilities to host those who intend to cover the route in several days.
We start from the valley floor, from the municipality of Scarperia and San Piero, specifically from Piazza dei Vicari in the historic center of Scarperia. We head toward the Mugello racetrack and then climb, after skirting Lake Bilancino to the Futa Pass. We descend toward Firenzuola, and from here, after reaching Palazzuolo sul Senio via the Paretaio Pass, we climb the most challenging ascent to the Sambuca Pass.
Giunti sulla sommità, dalla quale lo sguardo si distende nella piana romagnola, addirittura in giornate particolari fino a scorgere il mare, si scende verso valle e superato Borgo San Lorenzo si torna al punto di partenza, a Scarperia.
Once on the top, from which the view stretches across the Romagna plain, even on special days up to the sight of the sea, you descend towards the valley and past Borgo San Lorenzo you return to the starting point, in Scarperia.
Click here to download and print the official road map of the Permanent Patent Granfondo del Mugello.