The ascent of Le Macinaie on Mount Amiata

Reaching the summit of Mount Amiata, at 5702 feet (1738 meters) in elevation, on a bicycle is a true athletic feat.
Among the 6 climbs is one connecting the village of Castel del Piano to the extreme tip of the ancient volcano.
This 8.7-mile (14-kilometer) route has been drawn out by the Associazione Amiata Bike, which has overseen the creation of a rich network of bicycle tourism in response to an increasingly common way of traveling, committed to limiting environmental impact and to supporting the local economies.
Also known as the Ascent of Castel del Piano, this climb starts from the very village that gives the route its name. Famous for its tree-lined boulevards, several Art Nouveau villas, the Palio delle Contrade and its quaint churches, the town is a tourist resort in summer and winter. Nestled on the western slope of Mount Amiata, Castel del Piano is also an ideal destination for cycling enthusiasts thanks to its views, varied routes and unspoiled nature.
The climb connecting the village to the summit of the Amiata is entirely paved and offers up restorative stops in one of several shaded lay-bys along the road or in the pretty meadow, the Prato delle Macinaie.
From this meadow, you can even take the chairlift up to the summit.