The Pesa river expansion reservoir: between nature and archaeology

From Montelupo to ancient Rome and back. This simple path, in the countryside, is suitable for everyone and offers a final surprise: the excavations of the Roman Villa of the Virginio.
From the historic town center of Montelupo we walk along Via XX Settembre until we find the pedestrian walkway that allows us to cross the Pesa river and take the Pesa bike path. We cross the beautiful expansion reservoir rich in vegetative elements to the hamlet of Turbone and then continue to the remains of the Roman Villa of the Virginio.
From here we retrace the bicycle path in the opposite direction, crossing the reservoir again, but this time on top of the levees.
We then continue to the new center of Montelupo, passing by the town hall and then taking the pedestrian Piazza dell’Unione Europea that takes us back to cross the Pesa River and reach the starting point.