Via del Fagiolo Zolfino

The route passes through the municipalities of Terranuova Bracciolini and Loro Ciuffenna and many localities on this side of the Pratomagno such as Penna, Gropina, Campogialli.
Starting from Terranuova Bracciolini, you ride along a route rich in farms and delicacies, until you reach the hamlet of Campogialli. Here the Church of Santa Maria in Campo Arsiccio, a small medieval church with a single hall, covered by truss lines, is worth a visit. Inside the church preserves cycles of fragmentary frescoes, even superimposed, particularly interesting, dating from the 14th and 15th centuries. The paintings, which decorate almost entirely the walls, show on the right-end side the cycle of the Way of the Cross: the Last Supper, the Prayer in the Garden of Olives, the Kiss of Judas, the Mockery of Jesus, the Trial before Pilate, the Flagellation, and the Weeping of the Holy Women. On the back wall is a fresco depicting the Last Judgment; superimposed on it is an Annunciation dated 1363. The paintings on the left wall are fragmentary and not clearly visible.
The loop-shaped bicycle excursion continues towards Gropina to visit the Pieve, about 2 kilometers from Loro Ciuffenna, on the via dei Setteponti and is one of the highest examples of Romanesque culture in Tuscany. The Pieve was erected around the year 1000 and features a facade in large slabs of stone. The interior is divided into three naves with bizarre capitals: in the columns on the left-hand side they tell episodes from the Old and New Testaments, in the columns on the right-hnd side the figures recall pre-Christian, Etruscan and Oriental art.
Next, the route runs along the locality of Penna and then ends at the starting point.