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Sozzifanti Palace


The history of a fortified palace in Serravalle Pistoiese

Sozzifanti Palace (before 'Cancellieri') is located at the entrance to the village of Vinacciano, a hamlet of Serravalle Pistoiese. It's a typical example of 16th-century fortified building that recalls the spaces and architectures of the classical period. On the main facade of the palace are two portals that led to the workrooms and cellars and the main floor, respectively. Originally, a staircase with two flights led to the main gate at the first floor, decorated with the emblem of Cerracchi dal Gallo.

The pentagonal tower, backed against Cancellieri palace and the village, represents the only preserved element of the early medieval fortifications. In the mid-19th century, it became the property of the Arcangeli family and was transformed by making a small family chapel on the ground floor and a funeral room on the first floor with wall paintings on the walls. 

Between the facade of the palace and the pentagonal tower, there are the statues of a lion and a lioness, symbols of the subordination of the castle and its surroundings to the city of Florence.

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