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Fried Zucchini Blossoms


Very fast, not at all light and truly impressive! Who says you can't eat flowers - yes you can and above all, in the case of zucchini blossoms, you should!


  1. 20 zucchini blossoms
  2. 1 and 1/2 cup of flour
  3. 1 and 1/2 cup of water
  4. 1 big pinch of salt
  5. frying oil (better if sunflower)


  1. Clean the flowers taking away the pistil and stalk. Rapidly rinse, blossoms are very delicate so the less you handle them - the better.
  2. Prepare a batter done with water, flour and salt. It should be quite liquid. Keep it very cold putting your bowl in a second bigger bowl full of water and ice cubes.
  3. Dip blossoms in the batter. Then deep-fry them.
  4. Drain and sprinkle with salt.
  5. Serve hot

Tip* the blossoms used in this recipe aren't the ones you find attached to the zucchini. You should buy the "male" blossoms, that have a long and thin stem.