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Legal Notes

VISITTUSCANY.COM is the new website from Fondazione Sistema Toscana, the in house provider of Regione Toscana. VISITTUSCANY.COM is an instrument aimed at implementing the following regional institutional purposes: a) developing digital technologies to promote the cultural activities and heritage of Tuscany and to promote a society of information and knowledge; b) promoting integration between cultural offerings and tourism offerings; e) promoting and valorizing Tuscan identity.

In view of what has been stated heretofore, these notes communicate the following:

- The textual and multimedia contents (e.g. texts, images, sounds, videos, diagrams, trademarks, logos, audio-visuals, aimed at providing information and promoting knowledge) on this website, unless what is stated in point 3, are owned and/or used exclusively used by Fondazione Sistema Toscana (hereinafter “FST”) and are protected by the legislation in force protection copyright, Law no. 633/1941 and subsequent modifications and additions (hereinafter “LdA”). The reproduction, communication to the public, making public, the hire and loan, the publication and any other use is forbidden without the authorization of the owner of the rights to use. Any violation will be published with the penalties stated in Art. 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of the aforestated LdA.

- Protective technological measures can be applied to the contents in accordance with and for the effects of Art. 102 quater ss. of the LdA, consistent in devices and/or components that are aimed at impeding or limiting actions unauthorized by the holder of the rights; electronic information may also be present on these regarding the rights regime indicating the terms and conditions of use of the works and/or materials, the author of the work or any other owner, as well as numbers or codes that represent said information or other identifying elements. The reproduction, on any support, of the materials published on this website, where expressly allowed, can be carried out however solely for personal use, provided that it is not for profit and not for directly or indirectly commercial purposes, in observance of the protective technological measures.

- This website contains spaces made available to users (over 18 years of age) – for example, blogs – to which offerings, events and general content (texts, photos, diagrams, audio and video materials, logos, images, links, etc.) can be added independently and for which they are fully and solely responsible. (Inserting sensitive information as well as inputting/publishing photographs/images of minors is forbidden.) The insertion of said content on the website does not imply the approval or backing of the FST, which does not perform any checks on the provenance, paternity or legitimacy of the content, but instead a lawful check, blocking content that evidently harms human dignity and freedom. Therefore, the FST cannot be held accountable for the legality, veracity and/or correctness, among other things, of said contents, neither can the FST be held accountable for the observance of the rights of industrial and/intellectual property or legislation pertaining to privacy, nor is the FST liable for any actions that go against public order, appropriate and/or moral conduct. To this end, it is hereby noted that the LdA does not allow the unauthorized reproduction and publication (also via file-sharing) of works protected by copyright. Hence the publication and exchange of copies of works under copyright without the authorization of the authors is forbidden. Criminal penalties provided for by the aforesaid law will apply.

- This website contains links to other websites and/or social media platforms, which are not controlled by the FST; the publication of said links on the website does not imply the approval or backing of the FST of said websites and their contents, neither does it imply any form of guarantee by the FST. Therefore, the user recognises that the FST is not responsible for the veracity, correctness, completeness, the observance of rights of intellectual and/or industrial property, the legality and/or any other aspect of the aforesaid websites, among other things, nor is the FST liable for any actions that go against public order, appropriate and/or moral conduct. Therefore, the FST does not assume any responsibility for the links to other websites and social media platforms and/or for the contents on visittuscany.com and/or on the aforesaid websites.

- FST cannot be held responsible for service outage and/or malfunctioning and any damage that may derive from this.

Anyone who freely accesses visittuscany.com approve and accept these legal notes and the possible or consequent effects of web navigation. Users are invited to read the privacy and cookie information here.