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Campagnatico, Ombrone Valley

Travel through time in Campagnatico

The historical center is host to Medieval buildings, remains and churches

Not far from Grosseto, in Maremma, lies Campagnatico, a small town that still smells of the Middle Ages and traditions. It is the ideal place for a trip out of town. Here you can admire towers, castles and ancient churches that enrich the neighboring territory. Folklore lovers can also visit the village in September to participate in the picturesque Palio dei Ciuchi, between the districts Castello, Centro, Nobile Rione Pieve and Santa Maria.

  • 1.
    Explore the hamlet
  • 2.
    Montorsaio Castle
  • 3.
    Stertignano Castle
  • 4.
    Monte Leoni Castle
  • 5.
    Church of St. John the Baptist
  • 6.
    Church of Santa Maria
  • 7.
    The Church of S. Antonio Abate
  • 8.
    Church of Santi Michele e Cerbone
  • 9.
    Oratory of the Crucifix
  • 10.
    Convento della Nave

Explore the hamlet

Campagnatico - Credit: Michela Simoncini

From the old city’s Piazza Garibaldi, take via Roma to the long walls that enclosed the two peaks which stood opposite the fortress in the north and the church of St. John the Baptist in the south.

Many towers used to line the walls and one of them has been transformed into a church bell tower. In the city there are still imposing ruins of the Aldobrandeschi Fortress.

Montorsaio Castle

Montorsaio, Campagnatico
Montorsaio, Campagnatico - Credit: Maremma

Experts believe that the castle dates back to the eighth century. Throughout its history, the castle - located on a wooded hill - has been ruled by several powerful noble families and on various occasions it was ruled by Siena. In 1255, Siena’s domain over the castle was significantly strengthened following its acquisition of this district and the construction of a new quarterdeck. Afterwards, it was managed by the lordship of Montorsaio Salimbeni which dominated the area until 1375. In 1432, a statute was drafted by the community and, in 1559, it was ruled by the Medici family.

Stertignano Castle

From 1274, this castle belonged to the Aldobrandeschi counts. At the beginning of the fourteenth century it came under the Orlandini family of Siena, before falling into the hands of the Cerretanini. It was finally abandoned in 1370 and made into a countryside estate by the Republic of Siena in 1438. Today, its only remains include the stone walls and buildings located along the inside. 

Monte Leoni Castle

Campagnatico - Credit: Comune di Campagnatico

Historical documents of this castle date as far back as 1188. It was ruled by Pannocchieschi in 1262 and subsequently fell into ruin. It became part of Sienese dominion in 1438; today, only a small quantity of the castle’s original blocks can be seen. Now the surrounding green area is protected and called Oasi Faunistica di Monte Leoni.

Church of St. John the Baptist

Built in the thirteenth century, this church is situated at the top of the town. It has a striped dichromate facade with a rose window surmounted by the representation of a lamb. Inside, you’ll find frescoes that were located in the Church of Santa Maria before they were restored.

Church of Santa Maria

This church was built on the remains of a pre-existing structure constructed before 1000. In the nave of the church, you’ll find frescoes depicting the life of the Madonna created by Christopher di Bindoccio and Meo di Pero, completed in 1393. These restored frescoes are preserved in the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist. Adjacent to the church, you can see the remains of a monastery called ‘Lazzaretto’.

The Church of S. Antonio Abate

In the main village square, you’ll find the oldest church in Campagnatico, dedicated to St. Anthony and representative of the high medieval era. The Romanesque facade is unique for the Maremma and it originally had a central portal with two windows on the sides which were subsequently converted into doors.

Church of Santi Michele e Cerbone

The parish church of Saints Michael and Cerbone was expanded during the seventeenth century and altered by successive restorations. On the right side, you’ll find its vast rectory. The church hosts a painting by Sano di Pietro depicting the Madonna and Child. This work dates back to 1450-1460.

Oratory of the Crucifix

In the same square of the church of Saints Michael and Cerbone in Montorsaio, you’ll see the Oratory of the Crucifix and the church of the Compagnia della Santa Croce that was rebuilt after World War II. The latter hosts a wooden sculpture depicting the Annunciate Virgin attributable to the early fifteenth century. It is linked to models by Romanelli, with references to Valdambrino and Domenico di Niccolo.

Convento della Nave

The town’s most important religious building was the Convento della Nave, located on the slopes of Monte Leoni. It originally belonged to the Benedictines and was passed over to the Franciscans in 1428. The convent was closed in 1751 and converted into a rural building.

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