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Bathing facilities
Bathing facilities 
in Rosignano Marittimo

La Pinetina is situated near the famous White Beaches of Vada, on the Etruscan Riviera. The establishment is in the middle of a cool and thick pine-wood which is just in front of the Tyrrhenian Sea. This pine-wood, equipped with many tables and a small playground, is the ideal place to spend peacefully the warmer hours of the day. In these last few years, the establishment has been completely rebuilt in order to offer to his clientele a modern and efficient structure where is possible to spend peaceful holidays. 

Inside there is a well-stocked bar and a restaurant – pizzeria with a terrace on the sea which will allow you to enjoy an unique landscape. For breakfast or for a cool drink or an ice-cream in every hour of the day, you can easily use our bar. Besides, at lunch-time, our self-service restaurant is open and you can choose among many dishes of fish and meat, pizzas, sandwiches, salad and fruit-salad. Our beach is equipped with bathing huts, beach-umbrellas, beach-beds and chairs and it is always supervised and kept clean by our qualified staff. 

In the establishment you can find a playground for children with inflatable toys, elastic carpets and slides. Moreover, we can also offer a beach volley and a beach soccer ground. Near our beach, by Parking Pietrabinca, is possible to rent rubber dinghys and water motor-bikes and you can take part in funny waterworks. You can also book organized trips to the Vada lighthouse and along the Etruscan Riviera


Prices include

  • hotel_class
    General services
    Disabled accessibility
    Access by private cars
    Park or garden
  • restaurant
    Café service
  • bed
  • local_parking
  • sports_basketball
    Fitness/Health Center
  • celebration
    Guided tours
  • family_restroom
    Services for families
    Games for children
    Babysitting service