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Reperti al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Chiusi
Photo © Enrico Caracciolo
Photo © Enrico Caracciolo

Etruscans, contemporary people

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The Etruscan civilization in Tuscany, from food and wine to daily life and the afterlife

Etruscan civilization spread across a vast territory between the Tiber river, the Arno basin and the Mediterranean Sea within the borders of what is now Tuscany, part of Lazio and Umbria, from the 9th to the 1st century BCE. Some historians claim that they originated from Lidia, a region of Asia Minor. Others believe that they came from Northern Greece. What we know for certain is that, after thousands of years, their legacy still excites the whole world due to the contemporary nature of their customs.

The Etruscans never created a single empire, preferring a network of self-governed urban hubs. The dodecapoli was a set of twelve Etruscan city-states, which according to tradition formed a powerful alliance of an economic, religious and military nature. Traveling around Tuscany, from the coast to the countryside, you can explore these ancient city-states as well as visiting unique archaeological parks and museums to learn more about their history. 

From the Maremma area to the Valdichiana, from Gavorrano to Montepulciano, this tour explores modern wineries with an ancient past, unique archaeological areas, hot springs, stunning painted tombs, and even age-old recipes that are still alive and well in Tuscany.

Keep in mind it's only a taste of what you can do by travelling in the footsteps of the Etruscans in Tuscany. Of course, there are many other amazing places to visit, both along the coast, (Baratti and Populonia, for example), and inland (such as Volterra). Make sure you also checkout the section of our website dedicated to the Etruscans.

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