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Photo © Alessio Grazi
Photo © Alessio Grazi

One path, infinite stories

Idee collection

Toscana Ovunque Bella meets the Via Francigena

The sixth edition of Play Your Tuscany is a journey to discover stories from the Toscana Ovunque Bella project along the Tuscan stretch of the Via Francigena. Players departed on November 9 2017 from the so-called Gateway to Tuscany in Lunigiana, the Cisa Pass, arriving on November 13 in Radicofani, the southern gateway to the Tuscan Via Francigena. And amid all this? The Piagnaro Castle of Pontremoli, the Pallerone nativity set, the International white truffle showcase in San Miniato, the Palazzo Chigi in San Quirico d’Orcia, the thermal baths of Bagno Vignoni, the Fortezza of Radicofani and much more.

Players wandered on foot along stretches of the ancient road, spending nights in old-fashioned guest houses like true Medieval pilgrims! Naturally, tastings of culinary specialties in the places we visited were included in the tour, plus a regenerating rest stop at the thermal baths.

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Eventi • 2 risultati
Idee • 63 risultati
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