Tuscany's mountains have a soul. Mothers of a nature made of thick forests and wildlife. Shady on hot summer days. Generous on cold days: with wood and chestnuts, they have comforted inhabitants put to the test of winter for centuries. Witnesses to the pages of history written on the Gothic Line and at Sant'Anna di Stazzema.
Today they are our lovely traveling companions, guiding us on long walks on enchanted paths, to villages with an ancient flavor such as Barga, Fosdinovo, Pontremoli, Castiglione di Garfagnana, Ortignano Raggiolo and Poppi, to name a few.
The Apuan Alps represent the rise to marble cathedrals, but they are also the realm of caves and enchanted castles. A short distance from the dazzling white of the quarries lies the Garfagnana, with valleys full of rivers for rafting and adventure days.
The sacred forests of the Casentino, dotted with monasteries and hermitages, guard the silence of those who have chosen these destinations to elevate their spirit. And in fall they offer an unparalleled display of color. A little further south are the nature reserves of the Valtiberina, with high-altitude grasslands and forests of beech and maple trees.
When the ridges are tinged with white, the Pistoia Mountains, with their varied landscape, attract winter sports enthusiasts, particularly on the Abetone.
Also in the winter period, the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines gives the opportunity for snowshoeing and days of skiing and snowboarding in Lunigiana. When the weather is mild, this is the right place for gentle walks, even with children, and mountain bike routes.
In southern Tuscany, the Amiata rises proudly over the hills of the Val d'Orcia, a UNESCO heritage site. From above, the ancient volcano observes villages of pure beauty and archaic traditions, such as Santa Fiora and Abbadia San Salvatore. In these places you can spend splendid sunny moments amid hiking, horseback riding or biking, and make a pleasant stop in picnic areas.